Kritische Blicke auf die Coronakrise und ihre Folgen
Kritische Blicke auf die Coronakrise und ihre Folgen

Stay‑at‑home policy is a case of exception fallacy

Ricardo F. Savaris, Guilherme Pumi, Jovani Dalzochio, Rafael Kunst: Stay-at-home policy is a case of exception fallacy: an internet-based ecological study, in: Scientific Reports 11 (2021) Article 5313, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-84092-1.

A recent mathematical model has suggested that staying at home did not play a dominant role in reducing COVID‑19 transmission. The second wave of cases in Europe, in regions that were considered as COVID‑19 controlled, may raise some concerns. The authors objective was to assess the association between staying at home (%) and the reduction/increase in the number of deaths due to COVID‑19 in several regions in the world. In this ecological study, data from www.googl 19/mobil ity/, and were combined. Countries with > 100 deaths and with a Healthcare Access and Quality Index of ≥ 67 were included. Data were preprocessed and analyzed using the difference between number of deaths/million between 2 regions and the difference between the percentage of staying at home. The analysis was performed using linear regression with special attention to residual analysis. After preprocessing the data, 87 regions around the world were included, yielding 3741 pairwise comparisons for linear regression analysis. Only 63 (1.6%) comparisons were significant. With our results, we were not able to explain if COVID‑19 mortality is reduced by staying at home in ~ 98% of the comparisons after epidemiological weeks 9 to 34.

Link to the article on the website of Nature magazine

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