Political decision-makers in Germany admitted mistakes in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. As the book “Blinde Passagiere” (“Stowaways”” shows, there were already alternatives at the time, which makes it even more topical. The following text was taken from the website of the publisher Antje Kunstmann and translated into English.
Klaus-Dieter Kolenda: Ständige Impfkommission: Aktualisierte Impfempfehlung zu Covid-19 [Updated vaccination recommendation on Covid-19.], in: Teleopolis (July 12, 2023), online in: https://www.telepolis.de/features/Staendige-Impfkommission-Aktualisierte-Impfempfehlung-zu-Covid-19-9212539.html (as of July 17, 2023). In his article on the vaccination recommendation of the Ständigen Impfkommission (Stiko) [Standing Committee on Vaccination] at the Robert Koch Institute, Klaus-Dieter Kolenda refers to Karl Heinz Roth’s book “Blinde Passagiere” [“Stowaways”]. Link to the article
Interviews Lea Gekle: The Great Fear of 2020 by Karl Heinz Roth, in: Endnotes (May 2022; Interview conducted on March 10, 2022). “Below we publish Lea Gekle’s interview with Roth, in which he presents his analysis of these measures, as well as his criticisms of the Zero Covid platform defended by some on the German left. Today, when the severe lockdown in Shanghai is producing desperate hunger riots, Roth’s book is a timely intervention. We hope, as he suggests, that it can be the beginning of a serious debate on the return of what he and his comrades in the […]
Monday, March 21 in Bremen Lecture and discussion, moderated by Arno Armgort Venue: Haus der Wissenschaft Sandstr. 4/5 28195 Bremen Start of event: 7:30 p.m. Link to the event announcement Tuesday, March 22 in Münster Talk with Michael Ramminger from ITPOL Venue: Hörsaal F2 am Fürstenberghaus Domplatz 20-22 48143 Münster Start of event: 6:30 p.m. Link to the event announcement Wednesday, March 23 in Wuppertal Lecture and discussion, moderated by Dieter Nelles Venue: Kommunikationszentrum Die Börse Wolkenburg 100 42119 Wuppertal Start of event: 7 p.m. Link to the event announcement Thursday, March 24 in Munich Book […]
Karl Heinz Roth: Blinde Passagiere. Die Corona-Krise und ihre Folgen (Stowaways. The Corona Crisis and its Consequences), Munich: Kunstmann-Verlag 2022. An analysis of the Corona crisis that illuminates all facets – from the medical problems to the change in mentalities to the political and economic consequences. A book that brushes false certainties against the grain. In this excellently researched and elegantly written book, Karl Heinz Roth shows how deeply the global pandemic is affecting our societies and people’s everyday lives – a fundamental work for critically coming to terms with this crisis, and for avoiding future ones. For the past […]