Matthias Schrappe, Hedwig François-Kettner, Matthias Gruhl, Dieter Hart, Franz Knieps, Philip Manow, Holger Pfaff, Klaus Püschel, Gerd Glaeske: Thesenpapier 7. Die Pandemie durch SARS-CoV-2/CoViD-19. Sorgfältige Integration der Impfung in eine umfassende Präventionsstrategie. Impfkampagne resilient gestalten und wissenschaftlich begleiten. Aufklärung und Selbstbestimmung beachten, thesis paper version 7, final version Cologne, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg January 10, 2021. (Thesis Paper 7. The Pandemic by SARS-CoV-2/CoViD-19. Carefully Integrating Vaccination into a Comprehensive Prevention Strategy. Make vaccination campaign resilient and provide scientific support. Respect education and self-determination).
The following key statements are explained:
- vaccination and the vaccination campaign belong to the specific, target group-oriented prevention, because
- COVID19 is a disease of the elderly (accurate data on age-related mortality);
- lockdown policy is demonstrably ineffective in this population group;
- previously unexplained reduction of at least 6000 intensive care beds since summer 2020;
- the previous deficits of specific prevention are particularly noticeable in nursing homes;
- effectiveness of vaccines: endpoints of studies refer to symptomatic disease of infected patients, not to the infection as such;
- infected individuals who are vaccinated have a 20-fold lower risk of developing symptomatic disease compared with unvaccinated individuals, but the disease is then less severe in those who are vaccinated;
- the organization of a vaccination campaign is a very demanding task for a society and must be planned (and evaluated) like a multiple intervention
individual education on vaccination is mandatory; - there are three possible goals and strategies for the vaccination campaign. among them, stable control under the heading “Living with the virus” is the most reasonable alternative;
- for the first week of March, a little changed reporting rate is projected, but mortality will probably decrease, as far as vaccination in the elderly works as desired;
- ability to discourse must be maintained,groupthink must be avoided in order to socially manage the coming challenges of the epidemic.