Daily archives: 18. October 2022

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Omicron Vaccine Development

Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller [Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies]: Angepasste Impfstoffe zum Schutz vor Omikron [Customized vaccines to protect against omicron] (September 24, 2022), online in: https://www.vfa.de/de/arzneimittel-forschung/coronavirus/omikron-impfstoffe (Retrieved: October 18, 2022). In its article, the Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e. V. (VFA), representing the interests of 45 pharmaceutical companies in Germany, presents the status of vaccine development against the omicron variant. At the time of publication, there are three vaccines approved in the EU from two companies (BioTech/Pfizer and Moderna) that are adapted to both the original strain and the BA.1. and BA.4./5. subvariants, respectively. In addition, other pharmaceutical companies besides BionTech/Pfizer […]