Kritische Blicke auf die Coronakrise und ihre Folgen
Kritische Blicke auf die Coronakrise und ihre Folgen

World Happiness Report 2021

John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (eds.): World Happiness Report 2021, New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network (2021).

The World Happiness Report 2021 focuses on the effects of COVID-19 and how people all over the world have fared. The editors aim was two-fold, first to focus on the effects of COVID-19 on the structure and quality of people’s lives, and second to describe and evaluate how governments all over the world have dealt with the pandemic. In particular, the authors try to explain why some countries have done so much better than others.

Link to the World Happiness Report 2021

Download link to the World Happiness Report 2021 as PDF file