Monthly archives: February 2021

7 posts

Oxfam Inequalitiy Report

Oxfam Deutschland e.V. (Ed.): Das Ungleichheitsvirus. Wie die Corona-Pandemie soziale Ungleichheit verschärft und warum wir unsere Wirtschaft gerechter gestalten müssen (The Inequality Virus. How the Corona Pandemic Exacerbates Social Inequality and Why We Need to Make Our Economy Fairer), Berlin, January 2021. Ahead of the World Economic Forum, Oxfam publishes the report “The Inequality Virus.” The report shows how the Corona pandemic is exacerbating social inequality and why the solution lies in a just economic system.

Mortality and Adaptation Options

Quentin De Larochelambert, Andy Marc, Juliana Antero, Eric Le Bourg, Jean-François Toussaint: Covid-19 Mortality: A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation, in: Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 8, Artikel 604339, November 2020.

Thesis Paper 7.0 of German public health experts

Matthias Schrappe, Hedwig François-Kettner, Matthias Gruhl, Dieter Hart, Franz Knieps, Philip Manow, Holger Pfaff, Klaus Püschel, Gerd Glaeske: Thesenpapier 7. Die Pandemie durch SARS-CoV-2/CoViD-19. Sorgfältige Integration der Impfung in eine umfassende Präventionsstrategie. Impfkampagne resilient gestalten und wissenschaftlich begleiten. Aufklärung und Selbstbestimmung beachten, thesis paper version 7, final version Cologne, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg January 10, 2021. (Thesis Paper 7. The Pandemic by SARS-CoV-2/CoViD-19. Carefully Integrating Vaccination into a Comprehensive Prevention Strategy. Make vaccination campaign resilient and provide scientific support. Respect education and self-determination).

The impact of the lockdown: Four Pre-studies

Andrew Atkeson, Karen Kopecky, Tao Zha: Four Stylized Facts about COVID-19, in: NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper 27719 (August 2020), DOI 10.3386/w27719. The authors document four facts about the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide relevant for those studying the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) on COVID-19 transmission.

Moderna vaccine

Arznei-Telegramm: Neu auf dem Markt. Covid-19-Impfstoff von Moderna, in: arznei-telegramm, No. 52 (January 22, 2021), pp. 1-4. In this issue of arznei-telegramm, the authors deal with the Covid-19 vaccine from the company Moderna.

Vaccines – hope or risk?

Arznei-Telegramm: Im Blickpunkt. Impfstoffe gegen Covid-19. Anlass zur Hoffnung oder unkalkulierbares Risiko?, in: arznei-telegramm Nr. 51 (18. Dezember 2020), pp. 89-92. (In Focus. Vaccines against Covid-19: Cause for hope or incalculable risk?). In the December issue of arznei-telegramm, the authors of this article discussed the hopes for an effective vaccine that could help contain the pandemic, and the risks that these fast-track vaccines could pose.

Vaccines – state of knowledge unsatisfactory

BUKO Pharma-Kampagne (ed.): Nutzen von Covid-19 Impfungen. Wissensstand noch unbefriedigend, in: Pharma-Brief 10, December 2020. (Benefits of Covid-19 vaccinations. State of knowledge still unsatisfactory.) In its article, BUKO Pharma-Kampagne addresses the issue of vaccines against the coronavirus. “Several vaccines against covid-19 are close to approval or have already received emergency approval. But what do we even know about benefits and risks? The media reports high vaccine efficacy of 90% or more. The reports suggest that this means preventing severe disease and interrupting transmission of Covid-19. This is a misunderstanding, probably triggered by the fact that the figures circulating were based […]